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Google to label AI-generated content in Search results for better transparency

Google is set to introduce new labels in search results to clearly mark content created or edited using artificial intelligence (AI). This move is aimed at enhancing transparency and helping users make better decisions about the content they see online, particularly as AI-generated media becomes more widespread.
Google announced that it will integrate technology from the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA), of which it is a steering committee member, to tag content with specific metadata, indicating whether it was created by AI tools. Over the coming months, these labels will be added to products like Google Search, Images, and Lens. When users come across images or media that contain C2PA metadata, they’ll be able to use Google’s “About this image” feature to see if it was AI-generated or edited. This feature will provide valuable context about images, helping people understand more about the origins of the content they interact with.
In addition to search, Google will also incorporate this AI-generated content labelling into its ad systems. The integration of C2PA metadata will help ensure that advertisements containing AI content comply with Google’s policies. This system is designed to improve how Google enforces its key ad rules, making the platform more reliable for both users and advertisers.
Another area where this technology might be applied is YouTube. Google is exploring ways to label AI-generated videos or those edited with AI tools, giving viewers more transparency. More updates on this feature are expected later in the year.
To secure this system, Google and its partners have developed new technical standards, called Content Credentials, to track the history of content creation. These credentials will help verify whether a photo or video was taken by a specific camera model, edited, or generated through AI. They are designed to resist tampering and ensure the source remains trustworthy.
Google’s commitment to increasing transparency extends beyond content labelling. The company is also continuing its work on SynthID, an embedded watermarking tool created by Google DeepMind, which will help identify AI-generated media across various formats, including text, images, audio, and video.With these changes, Google aims to make online content more transparent, trustworthy, and easier to understand as AI continues to influence how media is created.
